Thanks for playing
Thanks for playing in our CTF! If you're interested in doing more CTFs, we recommend the following resources:
- CTF 101
- CTF Learn
- Pico CTF Practice
- This has tons of practice problems available year-round
- They also host their own CTF every year
- CTFtime
- This site has a list of upcoming CTFs, hosted by universities, companies, CTF teams, and other random organizations
- Most are pretty difficult/collegiate level, but some have beginner friendly challenges
- I would recommend DownUnderCTF in particular as a great place to start (starts Friday July 5th and runs for the weekend)
- Make a team with people you met at camp!
- Explore our suggested resources
- In particular check out the BYU CSA Kickstart CTF resources
Other cyber resources
- CyberPatriot (competition similar to the CCDC red team blue team event we did on Friday)
- TryHackMe
- HackTheBox